Information You Must have about 3D Dental X-Ray

February 2, 2022

Significant advances in dental technology over the last two decades have resulted in dramatic improvements in the quality of care, safer products, treatment of complicated cases, faster healing times, cosmetically pleasing outcomes, and long-lasting results. The most exciting development is in diagnostic technology, including the introduction of 3D dental x-rays.

What are 3D dental x-rays?

When treating patients, 3D dental x-rays provide dentists with a better view of your oral or dental problem during the diagnosis to allow the professional to provide an effective treatment plan for the situation. While 2D x-rays produce a two-dimensional image of the mouth, 3D x-rays use computed tomography equipment when providing a 3D rendition and skull.

The machine takes pictures of the teeth and skull for the dentist near you using robust digital processing software for constructing a 3D image that permits accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Perhaps the only drawback is that patients must remain still during the 10 to 40 seconds needed for image collection to prevent distortions.

How Do Dentists Take 3D X-Rays?

You are required to stand still as the machine for 3D x-rays in San Diego, CA, revolves around your head, completing a 360° scan. The entire process is quick, with minimal movement risks to eliminate the need for re-takes.

How Do You Benefit from 3D Dental X-Rays?

You can benefit from 3D dental x-ray technology in many ways than other diagnostic technologies. Let us provide some benefits of 3D dental x-rays:

Reduced Radiation Exposure

3D dental x-rays emit vastly less radiation than 2D scans, and the pictures are better concentrated on lessening scattered radiation and enhancing image quality. In addition, the size of the introductory x-ray beam is delivered using 3D CBCT scanners to help hold the radiation simply to the target area to minimize unnecessary radiation exposure. The minimized exposure to radiation reduces risks associated with repeated radiation exposure, eye damage, malignant tumors, and other health risks.

Increased Diagnostic Accuracy

3D dental x-rays help dentists take pictures that allow them to make an accurate diagnosis, ensuring patients receive better treatment. For example, the quality of 3D x-rays ensures dentists can pinpoint dental problems at the onset, enabling them to intervene early and deliver less invasive and inexpensive dental treatments.

Reduced Scan Time

3D dental x-rays can receive all pictures from various angles in a single orbit taking about 10 seconds for a regional scan or 20 to 40 seconds for a full mouth x-ray, decreasing the time spent on the x-ray while eradicating the risk of image blemishes caused by your natural movement.


If 2D x-rays require you to bite down on a mold, a 3D dental x-ray scans your entire head without needing you to do anything. 3D x-rays are beneficial for patients with gum or tooth sensitivity besides children with special needs and adults

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Comprehensive Images

A single 3D dental x-ray provides the dentist in 92121 with more details than are available in a conventional 2D x-ray. For example, the x-ray reveals pathology, musculature, infections, nerves, et cetera, allowing dentists sinus problems associated with the teeth and create plans for extractions, dental implants and accomplish much more in diagnosis and treatment planning.

Bone Quality Evaluation

Dentists can assess the quality of the underlying bone using 3D dental x-rays for treatment planning. The planning is crucial for dental implant placement to ensure there is sufficient bone in the jaw before beginning the treatment. 3D also helps determine the size and location of lesions and breaks.

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Reduced Costs

3D dental x-rays allow dentists to provide low-cost treatments because patients don’t have to move around to a diagnostic center for the sole purpose of getting a 3D dental x-ray. Instead, dentists invest in technology to eliminate the extra costs of visiting a third party for diagnosis.

The Safety of 3D Dental X-Rays

Radiation exposure is a concern among many people when asked to get x-rays of their mouth. Thankfully the radiation articulated from a 3D x-ray device is exceptionally negligible. It is why the ADA has cleared children to receive dental x-rays. However, if you are worried about 3D dental x-rays, please mention the same during your next appointment with Scripps Poway Dental Care — Sorrento Valley, where the dentist provides comprehensive information about the latest technology to ensure you are confident to give x-rays of your mouth and skull if required during your next dental appointment.

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